Isailor On Mac

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Transas iSailor - Marine Navigation, Chart Plotter and AIS Viewer

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Navigation Mac's tutorials collection is enriched by a new opus, a multimedia guide for iSailor (.) in French: charting and settings, options and subscriptions, basic functions, advanced functions, instruments connection. Since the purchase and Continue reading →. Transas iSailor determines location using Apple’s internal “Location Service”. How to Install Previous App Purchases to a Different Device (All Platforms) If you have already purchased Regions within the free Boating app and need to reinstall to an existing device or install to a new device, follow the instructions below. ISailor offers more advanced features, however unlocking each one will incur an extra charge. Weather, tides, and sailing guides all have associated one-year subscription costs, and although NMEA.

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Transas iSailor - Marine Navigation, Chart Plotter and AIS Viewer

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  • AIS option is minutes delayed in busy harbor. Not worth the money. I purchased. The $15 subscription to Internet AIS. ???
  • I've been using this app for 2.5 years and it has worked flawlessly. The charts are frequently updated and have never steered me wrong. The app has been very reliable, and, although it's not supposed to be used as a sole navigational tool, it has helped me get out of more tricky jams than I care to admit. I use it to navigate the ICWW and various channels to access the Atlantic. I've not gone 'out to sea' with it, but I can highly recommend the app for anyone looking for a near-shore navigational augment.
  • Ok I wrote my last review regarding this App thinking my problems were a result of iSailor. It turns out that the IOS 8.3 upgrade has a bug in it which interferes with all external GPS's. As a result when my iPad automatically updated its IOS I lost iSailor. It was NOT their fault! But I did blame them. My Bad! I am back to loving this App! Now all I have to do is wait for Apple to resolve their problem so I can use it again.
  • I purchased the Atlantic chart. My 12 year old grand son knows more about the waters than the tiny, and I do mean tiny, amount of information on a paid for chart through this app. WORTHLESS.
  • I use this regularly while sailing in the Chesapeake and occasionally in the Mediterranean. It has been a very useful tool and has all the functionality you would expect from an expensive onboard GPS nav system. Highly recommended!
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  • Sailor
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  • chart plotter
  • Netherlands application
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    • Update v1.5.6->v1.5.7
    • Update v1.5.5->v1.5.6
    • Update v1.5.4->v1.5.5
    • Update v1.5.3->v1.5.4
    • Update v1.5.2->v1.5.3
    • Release
    Available Chart Folios cover coastal and offshore waters of North America, Latin and South America, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Far East, Asia, Australia & New Zealand.
    iSailor is an easy-to-use navigational system developed for the amateur seafarers.
    Intended for use on boats and yachts, iSailor provides a clear presentation of navigation information and electronic charts. Transas own TX-97 vector chart format supported by iSailor is recognized worldwide as one of the most accurate and reliable sources of navigational information. You can download your free version of iSailor software on iTunes Store.
    All chart folios can be selected, purchased and downloaded via the iSailor app using its Chart Store...
    Transas iSailor - Marine Navigation, Chart Plotter and AIS Viewer
    Transas iSailor - Marine Navigation, Chart Plotter and AIS Viewer
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    45 double-pages
    76 screenshots
    14 videos

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    Navigation Mac tutorials #4 -Navigate with iSailor

    Navigation Mac's tutorials collection is enriched by a new opus, a multimedia guide for iSailor (*) in French : charting and settings, options and subscriptions, basic functions, advanced functions, instruments connection. Since the purchase and Read more …

    Isailor On Mac Os

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    “Navigating with a digital tablet” version iBook

    Cahier Technique Navigating with a digital tablet, published in the special edition of Voiles et Voiliers, is now available on Apple iTunes iBookStore.

    Isailor On Mac Download

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    Isailor On Machine

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