Trials In Tainted Space Goo

  1. Trials In Tainted Space Grey Goo
  2. Trials In Tainted Space Goo
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Forums Adult Games Trials in Tainted Space TiTS Bug Reports Goo Armor Lost Defense Discussion in ' TiTS Bug Reports ' started by FoxBrethren, Jan 10, 2021 at 5:08 AM.

  1. Dumb4Cum vs Goo Core. Discussion in 'Trials in Tainted Space' started by Alchemi, Dec 1, 2020. Forums Adult Games Trials in Tainted Space Toggle Width Style.
  2. Trials in Tainted Space. Contribute to Eliria/Trials-in-Tainted-Space development by creating an account on GitHub.
May 7th, 2017
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  1. You ask Celise if she’s up for some melty goo fun. She claps excitedly and nods, her tentacles stretching eagerly toward you. You walk forward, feeling her warm body caressing your gooey bases before they melt together. The forest of tentacles parts as you walk through it, slowly mixing yourself with the emerald galotian. She sighs above you as your body slides through her. You duck inside, melting and swimming through the mass of tendrils to approach the center.
  2. The feeling is amazing, like being touched over every inch of your body by her lukewarm goo. Your colors mix with hers, creating vibrant patterns in the dark green liquid. You can still hear her voice vibrating in her tendrils as you swim through them, and the shuddering travels through your body as well. The pleasure you’re creating for her is reflected twofold back into you.
  3. After slipping through her you manage to pull back from the pleasure, reforming yourself inside the tangle of viridian tendrils. You relax in the softness of her body, idly stroking the many extremities of her lower half as you listen to the music of her pleasure noises. They twitch as you touch them, but don’t shy away from your lavish attentions. You could get used to this.
  4. You hear a liquid sounding splurch before Celise’s upper body forms above you in the mass of tentacles. She smiles lustfully at you and leans in for a kiss, falling along the wall until her short upper frame lies atop you. You can feel her almost fully solid evergreen nipples rubbing against your gooey flesh, and you reach through your sides to pinch and pull them deeper. Their owner moans in response and gives you a sloppy kiss, slipping her tongue inside you to play. You trade yours for hers, exploring her body with a tendril of your own.
  5. She pulls closer to you, and you unsheathe your hands to drape them around her back and lock her in place atop you. Your kissing intensifies so greatly that the two of you begin to sink together, feeling each others pleasure mixing in the process. The feeling of it overwhelms every sense your goo-formed body can emulate, and it responds in the only way it knows how. By coming hard.
  6. You had nearly forgotten about your genitals, so when they decide to fill Celise’s upper half with a flood of slime-semen and slime you are only able to spasm in her arms as she absorbs it with gusto, her body becoming slightly clouded in the process before she can filter the excess into a further part of her. Your kisses are softer now, leaving the both of you solid, and with an amount of tongue befitting a human couple. Her tongue flexes incredibly wide, letting you hold it between nearly the entirety of your lips as it slides back into her own.
  7. After this short respite your explorations become braver once again, you reach inside the emerald goo-girl’s body and scoop up some of your cum before it can leave to be dissolved. You help the blue and blue swim its way up her body. Her body offers little resistance, letting your hand wade through it like a swimmer in the pool. Her breathing becomes heavier as you approach her head, devolving into rapturous moans as you reach it. Your cum floats inside her semi-solid skull, literally a mind full of fuck.
  8. She collapses, unable to hold herself together under the pleasure, and washes over you in a bath of viridian fluid. She reforms beneath you seconds later, humming contentedly and rubbing her hands over your big breasts. Her tendrils wriggle closer to you, firmly massaging your sticky goo-flesh. Sometimes they go a little too hard and slip inside, coming out on the other end only to rub that area instead.
  9. Her hands make their way to your sex, swimming through its gooey form with delicate movements. You feel her fingers and tendrils inside and around each of your giant cocks. You thrust your hips up instinctively as they encase them. In a matter of minutes she has you at the edge of orgasm, though this time one that your are perfectly aware of and can feel building within every cell of your gooey form.
  10. The feelings rise and boil until they refuse to be kept down any longer. Blue slime-spooge and slime shower the inner sanctum that houses you as they squirt relentlessly from your sexes. Celise licks her lips and moans as your sexual fluids are absorbed by her oversized body. Her hands leave to give your juices ample room to flow, absorbing them across as much of her form as possible to prevent buildup.
  11. Taking advantage of her split attention, you melt down over and into her, mixing inside her body. When you finish the two of you are left with both heads, four arms, your genitals, and her chest. While she still works out what’s going on you take the pair of beautiful B-cups and twist their dark jade nipples, delighting when you feel the sensations along side her. The emerald goo-girl’s head shoots back as she gasps, trying to find words or moans but unable to voice any of them. You continue to abuse the squishy boobs with both hands with utter abandon as she tries to regain her senses.
  12. In her blind lust her hands search the combined body, ending up at the genitals. She begins to play with them automatically, still thinking they are only connected to you and thinking she’s taking her revenge. You feel the sudden influx of euphoria as it explodes through your body and into her head. You laugh as her tongue lolls out of her mouth, but her hands continue milking, sending rockets of orgasmic glory to obliterate any chance of her thinking.
  13. In no time at all her berserking thrusts begin to reach your mind as well, and you feel the third round of bliss welling up throughout your blue goo. You let go of her breasts and turn her head toward you, kissing her lust addled lips and closing your eyes. The feedback of your feelings from the kiss and hers run like a revolving door with no exit through your mind, growing to infinite pleasure and probably continuing past the point that it renders you incapable of thinking.
  14. Your body pulses with more energy than you could have thought possible, overfilling even the massive appetite of the tentacled goo girl. Your slime-cum and slime dribble from the tips of her tentacles as they try to absorb it in time. Neither of you can even muster the energy to shout out as you kiss each other and cum in a seemingly endless cycle. The tentacles assist in the only way they know how, encircling the pert B-cups and flicking at their nearly solid nipples. The entirety of her form shudders with the earth-shaking bliss of this cum.
  15. When you come to, you’re lying in a Celise colored puddle on the floor of your ship. It seems you recovered more quickly than her, and you stand, being careful not to slip as you gather your goo-covered Atma Armor Mk. I. You leave the dissolved galotian to recover, returning to your previous endeavors.

Crystal Goo Incubator

Goocubator (Beryl)
Initial Lust40
Maximum Lust100
Lust Reset(s)0


A Ganrael creature who can be encountered when approaching the Queen's Chambers in Queen Taivra's Palace.


The crystal-armored goo-girl in front of you is a mass of green slime in the vague form of a nyrean woman, with oversized hips and a huge pair of glistening breasts that bounce around with every movement. Her body is covered with small flecks and plates of natural emerald crystal, but unlike most of her race, the vast majority of her crystal is concentrated around her hugely swollen belly, forming a perfect, smooth dome. Underneath the protective shell of crystal are what must be hundreds of white, fist-sized eggs, floating listlessly in their gooey womb.

History/Personality/Information of Note

All the goo wants to do is incubate her queen's eggs. She is loyal and completely subservient to Queen Taivra, having long since been mind-broken by the constant pleasure of hundreds of eggs floating through her overly-sensitive body. It's hinted at in her bad-end dialogue that she was once a warrior of some capacity, subjugated by the queen some time in the past.


The ganrael incubator is hostile to Captain Steele upon encounter, though it's possible to use the queen's gloryhole before the encounter begins and the goo realizes you're an invader.

If Steele subjugates or allies with Queen Taivra, it's possible to revisit the incubator goo and use the gloryhole as much as you'd like.

Trials In Tainted Space Goo


The goo incubator is armed with a goo-formed weapon and covered in goo-based armor.

Her combat actions include:

  • Goo Tendril Slap - Melee attack dealing moderate damage.
  • Goo Spit - Special attack that may inflict 'Blind'.
  • Belly Tease - Tease attack (more effective against opponents with a penis).
  • Gooey Tentacles - Several light tease attacks.
  • Envelop - Special tease attack that may inflict 'Grappled' for three turns. If the opponent doesn't escape within those three turns, she will orgasm.
  • Crystal Shield - Special ability that will greatly increase her defenses. Activated when her health is low.


  • 25% immunity to kinetic attacks
  • 100% immunity to burning attacks
  • 100% immunity to freezing attacks

Losing to the incubator in combat will result in a bad end in which she takes Steele as her pet and absorbs you into the gloryhole with her.


The crystal goo incubator will drop no credits but is worth 500 XP.

If the suit of Goo Armor is worn or is in the inventory during post-combat, the armor will become interested and upgrade herself by absorbing part of the ganrael. This will increase her defense rating by 2 points and gain the Mirrored damage resistance flag.


Before combat, PCs with cocks can fuck her through the gloryhole. This fertilizes her eggs for the 'Get Egged' scene. After victory in combat, if Steele's lust is high enough, it may be possible to choose from the following sex scenes:

Trials In Tainted Space Goo
  • Fuck Her - Use penis to sex her.
    • Has Penis
  • Get Egged - Steele is pumped full of nyrean eggs.

If 'Get Egged' is chosen, Steele will be impregnated with the incubated eggs contained in the goo girl.

When impregnated by the ganrael incubator, the incubation time is about one week (7 days) before egg-related birth.

Trials In Tainted Space Grey Goo

If Steele has taken control of Taivra's palace and has a cock, you can use the gloryhole at-will.

Trials In Tainted Space Goo

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