Trials In Tainted Space V Ko

Trials in Tainted Space is a game under active development by Fenoxo & crew.

Mar 23, 2018 - When you come to, you find yourself firmly locked in a reinforced restraining chair. You jerk and try to pull free, but the structure seems to have.

  1. From Trials in Tainted Space Wiki. Jump to: navigation, search. V-Ko is the latest model to appear in JoyCo’s ‘Nursedroid’ line of universal assist-bots.
  2. Discussion in 'Trials in Tainted Space' started by Corivas, Apr 28, 2016. Corivas Well-Known Member. Joined: Aug 29, 2015. Literally the title.
  • 1Characters
  • 3Items
  • 5Universe, Lore & Mechanics
    • 5.3Organizations


Trials In Tainted Space Wikipedia It is now possible to catch diseases from certain NPCs (mostly combat NPCs, though there’s at least one “main” NPC who can give you something). Four diseases have been added to the game: Furpies Simplex C, Furpies Simplex D, Furpies Simplex H, and Loco Fever. From Trials in Tainted Space Wiki. Jump to: navigation, search. Taint is one of the Core Stats Steele and other creatures have. It represents the genetic corruption.

Trials in Tainted Space features two different styles of encounter-able characters. Persistent characters have various attributes that may or may not be affected by the players interactions, and are stored in the same manner as the player character's data.

For a more comprehensive breakdown of characters featured in the game, see the Characters category.

Persistent Characters

Persistent characters are usually, though not always, named.

Able - Agrosh - Aina - Akane - Alex - Alex Surf - Aliss - Amara Faell - Amber - Amma - Anarrie - Anno - Anyxine Rhenesunne - Anzhela - Ara Kei - Ardia - Artie - Asennia - Astra - Atha - Attica - Aurora - Ausar Agent - Azra - Beatrice Reasner - Belle - Bess - Bethany Carver - Betsy & Victoria - Big T - Bran Flazingan - Brandt - Brandy - Briget - Briha - Brynn - Burt - Busky - Byron McAllister - Cameron - Canada - Candy - Captain Khorgan - Carrie - Cass - Celise - Ceria - Charles - Chaurmine - Cherry - Chrissy - Chupacabro - Ciaran - Colenso - Commander Schora - Connie - Cora - Crazy Carl - Cruff - Crystal Goo Incubator - Crystalline Shopkeeper - Cynthia - Dally - Dane - Delilah - Demon Queen Syri - Doctor Badger - Doctor Lash - Doctor Lessau - Double-Goo - Dr. Calnor - Dr. Teyaal - Edan - Ehstraffe - Eimear - Elenora Vanderbilt - Ellie - Ellira - Embry - Emmy - Erika - Erra - Estallia - Estie - Fazian - Fei An Strozo - Feruze - Fetch & Carry - Fisianna - Flahne - Forgehound - Frostwyrm - Fyn - Galina - Gene - Geoff - Gianna - Gil - Godi - Gold Squad - Gray Goo Armor - Gray Prime - Gwen - Haley - Hana - Hand So - Heidrun - Henderson - Hepane - Herman - Holiday - Holmes - Horace Decker - Horisha & Peck - Host Shukuchi Agents - Ilaria - Inessa - Irellia - Jade - James - Jardi - Jarvis - Jerome - Jerynn - Jesse - Johr - Julian Haswell - Juro - Kaede - Kalayna - Kally - Kane - Kara - Kase - Kaska - Kat - Kattom Osgood - Kazra & Lorre - Kelly - Kimber - Kirila - Kirlarwe - Kiro - Krissy - Krym - Lane - LDC - Lerris - Liamme - Lieve - Liliana - Linera Gerie - Liriel - Living Kegs - Logan - Lola - Luca - Lund - Lyralla - Lys - Lysander Chow - Mabbs - Maja - Maki - Marik - Marina - Marsail - Matron Oserre - Maximilian Steele - Merchant Queen - Mi'dee - Miko & Mai - Millie - Milly - Milodan War Alpha - Mirian Bragga - Mirrin - Mitzi - Myr Infected Queen - Myrna - Myrra - Naleen Brothers - Natalie Irson - Nayna - Nehzara - Nenne - Nerrasa - Nessa - Nevrie - Nine-tailed Zil - Nivas Oxonef - Nykke - Nyrean Princess - Ogram - Olympia - Orryx - Overseer Maike - Ovir Dancer - Paige - Penny - Petr - Petra - Pexiga - Pippa - Pirate Engineer - Pirate Mercenary - Prai Ellit - Pump-king - Pyra - Quaelle - Queen of the Deep - Queen Taivra - Queensguard - Quenton - Quinn - Ramis - Raskvel Broodmother - Raskvel Traps - Rat Thieves - Reaha - Regina Kasmiran - Renvra - Riley - Rival - Riya - RK Lah - Roo - Roxy - Roz - Rusher - Saec - Saendra - Sally - Sam - Scalla - Scout - Seifyn - Sellera - Sellesy - Semith - Sera - Shade - Shekka - Shelly - Shep Darnock - Shiare - Shizuya - Shock Hopper - Simone - Stella - Steph Irson - Storm Lancer - Sydian Matriarch - Sylvie - Syri - Tam - Tanis - Tarik - Tentacle Gardener - Terensha - Teron - Tessa - Tetra & Mica - The Bronco - The Seer - Tivf - Tlako - Torra - Tuuva - Ula - Ula's Father - Una - Urbolg - Ushamee Neykkar - Vaande - Vahn - Valden - Vark - Vedice - Verusha - Vi - Victor Steele - Walt - Wetra Hound - Wetraxxel Brawler - Xanthe - Xotchi - Yammi - Yancy - Yarasta - Yoma - Zaalt - Zea - Zeke - Zephyr - Zheniya - Zo’dee

Generic Characters

In addition to persistent characters, there are a number of generic encounter-able characters. For most of these, it is heavily implied that the player does not repeatedly encounter the same generic character over and over, and thus, the game does not store a full stat block for these characters without due cause.

There are a few limited exceptions to the rule of these always being a different individual: one example is V-KO. She is both a static character and a repeatable encounter on Mhen'ga; but as a factory-produced machine that is styled to act as a ubiquitous medical dispenser, more V-KO bots are liable to find their way to other planets while using the same 'encounter template' as the one on Mhen'ga. Indeed, there are plans to eventually enable the player to add a version to their ship.

Bored Jumper - Bothrioc Pidemme - Bothrioc Quadomme - Cockvine Adult - Cockvine Seedling - Corona Flamer - Cunt Snake - Cyberpunk Security Operatives - Daer Wormling - Deconstruction Unit - Doll Maker - Dr. Khan - Essyra Marion - Excavation Robot - Fenris Drone - Firewall - Frog Girl - Gabilani Vacationers - Ganrael Ambusher - Ganrael DeadEye - Ganraen Knight - Gold Remnant Brute - Gold Remnant Soldier - Gray Goo - Infected Crew Members - Korgonne Barbarian Female - Korgonne Raider Male - Lapinara Parasitic Female - LDC - Machina - Milodan Infiltrator - Milodan Male - Milodan Priestess - Milodan Temptress - Milodan War Lion - Mimbrane - Mining Robot - Myr Infected Female - Naleen Female - Naleen Futa - Naleen Male - Naleen Mating Ball - Nym-Foe - Nyrean Huntress - Nyrean Praetorian - Pirate - Pirate Juggernaut - Raskvel Female - Raskvel Gang - Raskvel Turret - Rat Thieves - Red Commando - Red Myr Guard - Red Zil Male - Rocket Pods - Rodenian Mechanic - Sand Worm - Security Droid - Security Drone - Security Robots - Sex Bot - Siegwulfe - Slamwulfe - Slaver Attendant - Slyveren Slavebreaker - Sydian Female - Sydian Male - Tentacle Gardener - The Pollen Dancers - V-KO - Vanae Huntress - Vanae Maiden - Varmint - Venus Pitcher Elder - Venus Pitcher Young - Venus Zil Trap - Zil Female - Zil Hornet - Zil Hoverfly - Zil Male - Zil Tribe


The game features a number of different location styles, each of which generally aims towards an overriding theme or approach to the content made available at that location. See Category:Locations for more detailed breakdowns of locations.


  • Ausaril (Invitation: Between December 22 to December 28 (real time). Can only visit once)
  • Poe A (Invitation: At 00:00 (in-game time) between October 26 to October 31 (real time), or a random 1/100 chance. Can only visit once)


  • Casstech Z14 (Your ship)
  • Blade (Kiro's ship)
  • The Phoenix (Saendra's ship)
  • Black Rose (Mirian's ship)
  • Talon Rogue (Kaede's ship)
  • Great Majin (Shizuya's ship)

Space Stations:

  • Tavros (Starting location)
  • Canadia (Invitation: Kiro or Delilah, or giving Krissy a lift)
  • Gastigoth (Invitation is received after completing the Stellar Tether quest.)
  • Breedwell (Invited after having 5 kids or donating 500,000 ml of cum to cockmilker.)


  • Mhen'ga (Inmediately available. First probe)
  • Tarkus (Available after locating the first probe)
  • New Texas (Invited after a day has passed)
  • Myrellion (Available after locating the second probe)
  • Zheng Shi (Available after locating the third probe)
  • Uveto (Zaalt distress call at lvl 6+ or after obtaining the third probe and progressing through Shade's storyline)

Trials In Tainted Space V-ko Nurse Droid Commands



  • Stellar Tether (Tarkus. Main storyline. Second probe)
  • Queen Taivra's Palace ( Myrellion. Main storyline. Third probe)
  • Ghost Deck (Anno's storyline)
  • Pirate Base (Kara's storyline)
  • Kashima (Distress call: between October 24 to November 7 (real time). Lvl 7+. Travelling to or from Myrellion)
  • Munitions Factory (Myrellion. Optional Federation Quest.)
  • Akkadi Research Facility (Uveto. Optional Syri Quest)


For information about equipment and consumable items, see the items category.


Items that can be physically equipped to a character.

Armor - Melee Weapon - Ranged Weapon - Shield Generator - Accessory - Clothing - Lower Undergarment - Upper Undergarment - Piercing


Items that are consumed to attain various effects.

Transformative Item - Restorative Item - Combat Consumable

Other Items


Items that either don't fall under the former categories or otherwise have alternate uses.

Toys - Miscellaneous Item - Key Item - Unique Item

Game & Engine Mechanics

For information about internal mechanics, formulas, and other implementation specifics, see Category:Game mechanics Run malwarebytes from command prompt.

Addiction - Alcohol Consumption - Alignment - Appearance - Bad Ends - Combat Mechanics - Exertion - Exhibitionism - Minigames - Perks - Pregnancy - Racial Score - Special Ability - SSTD -Taint

Universe, Lore & Mechanics

There are several components that make up the TiTS universe. Some can be found below.

History and Lore

General story details and bits of background history on some events that have an impact in the TiTS universe.

Dumbfuck - Gush - Planet Rush - TiTS History - Treatment


Applicable races found throughout the TiTS-verse. Note that not every single race encountered is listed. For more creature variants, see Category:Creatures

Anatae - Ausar - Bothrioc - Cundarian - Cylirian - Daynar - Dzaan - Essyra - Fanfir - Fhan’i - Gabilani - Galotian - Ganrael - Gryvain - Hilinara - Human - Huskar - Kaithrit - Kalabast - Kerokoras - Korgonne - Kui-tan - Lapinara - Laquine - Leithan - Lureling - Milodan - Myr - Naleen - Nyrea - Ovir - Rahn - Raskvel - Rodenians - Roehm - Saeri - Saurmorian - Siel - Simii - Sionach - Spinarran - Suula - Sydian - Tarratch - Thraggen - Tove - Vanae - Venus Pitcher - Vildarii - Vulkrim - Wetraxxel - Xhelarfog - Zil


Various organizations or companies that have presence in TiTS.


Aegis - Akkadi R&D - Bell-Isle/Grunmann - Camarilla - Carver Catering Company - Humphard Incorporated - Ice Teats - JoyCo - J’ejune Pharmaceutical - KihaCorp - Lapinara Sanctuary - Pyrite Industries - Reaper Armaments - RhenWorld - Snugglé - Steele Tech - Tamani Corp - Xenogen Biotech


Black Void - Gilden Republic - Gryvain Heartland Republic - Joint Ausar Federation - Mechanus League - Nova Securities - Scarlet Federation - Terran-Space Coalition - United Galactic Confederacy


Church of the One God - Followers of the Infinite Aspect - Followers of The Tear - Sky Mother - Star Seekers - Stormguard - Zyi


Information on technology found in TiTs either as a tangible object or conceptual vocabulary.

Artificial gravity - Artificial Intelligence - Codex - Hardlight - Hologram - Horse-Cock - Light drive - Medical Technology - Repulsor - Steele Tech Probe - Sublight engine - Warp tunnel


Trail In Tainted Space Wiki

There's a handy list of templates to be used when adding Wiki content regarding TiTS. See Contributing

Dr Badger Trials In Tainted Space

And a list with content that needs to be created and/or updated. See To Do List


Trials In Tainted Space Character

The location of the main game itself can be found at the official Trials in Tainted Space website.

Eyebeam license key generator. For reference information on submitting written material to the TiTS game itself. See Writing Reference

For reference information on possible cheats and/or exploits in the TiTS game. See Cheat List

For reference information on editing a TiTS save game file (not recommended). See Save Editing

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OccupationShop Owner
Junk Dealer
Conspiracy Theorist
  • 4Interactions
    • 4.4Quests




He has a round, good-natured face to go with his broad shouldered and fleshy frame, built like a green mini-fridge. He seems to be dressed entirely in some sort of thin, malleable metal paper, fashioned into a vest and helmet. His confiding tone seems permanently incredulous, as if the world at large never stops pleasantly outraging him.

History/Personality/Information of Note

Colenso seems to be an avid truth hunter and is constantly studying and commenting on various conspiracy theories and rumors on the extranet. He is an advocate of self independence and has little trust in the human education system, centralized government, corporate elites, and bots of all kinds.


Captain Steele can listen to various rumors or buy repellent from Colenso while he is in his shop. Steele can also sell various inventory items to him as well.

Trials in tainted space v-ko input


Available Purchases
Name Sell Price (Credits)
Goblin P.520420
Rask P.520420
Sydian P.520420

Colenso will buy any item at 25% of the base price without the discount and 85% of the base price with the discount.

Trials In Tainted Space V Ko


Colenso will talk of a number of rumors he has heard of. One rumor will hint at specialized command inputs for V-Ko. Another rumor will hint at the Stellar Tether adventure quest line.


Currently, Colenso does not have any sex scenes.


Colenso has the following quests:

The Hnngularity

Trials In Tainted Space V-ko

This quest is activated after discovering at least one sex bot and asking Colenso about work. Colenso will reveal a conspiracy theory he's had and will ask for Steele's aid by giving Steele a GPS Triangulator device.

After using the device to scan at least four or more sex bots, the GPS will triangulate the data and produce the location of the sex bot factory. Arriving at the factory, Steele can navigate the building to find Hand So. When confronted, she will ask Steele to join her. If Steele refuses, she will attack using the Firewall. If Hand So is defeated, Steele can either destroy the A.I.'s data bead or hold onto it.

After returning to Colenso, Steele has the option of selling the bead (if not destroyed), or keep it from Colenso.


  • Encounter at least one sex bot.
  • Ask Colenso about Work? to attain the GPS triangulator device.


  • Defeat at least 4 sex bots in combat and Scan each one in order to unlock the location of the factory.
  • Go to the factory to confront Hand So.
  • Defeat Hand So (choosing to Take With or Destroy is optional).
  • Return to Colenso and talk about Work.


Trials In Tainted Space V Ko

Trials In Tainted Space Alex

  • Store discount
  • Hand So's data bead (if choosing to Keep Hand So)
  • 60000 credits (if choosing to Sell Hand So)
Plantation Quest

Trials In Tainted Space V-ko Cheat Codes

If the player stole the Amber Idol, they can sell it to Colenso for 6000 Credits.

Trials In Tainted Space Species

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